Benefits of Yoga

Hi Everyone, 

I hope you are all having a lovely day so far.

For today's post I wanted to share with you all the Benefits of Yoga.

Over the past seven months I have started doing Yoga at home.

I started towards the end of March as lockdown had started here in Ireland and like many of us we all learned some new experiences while been in lockdown.

Throughout the months I decided to give Yoga a try as it was always something that i wanted to do but i really didn't know where to start. First I decided to check out some Yoga videos on Youtube, to get a feel of what poses i could do, I also decided to research about Yoga and its benefits on how it helps your mind and body, 

After seven months of doing Yoga on a daily basics I can say that it has really helped my overall health in so many ways. As I have both Type 1 Diabetes and Graves Disease I have been struggled with Stress and Anxiety especially throughout the last couple of months due the Covid- 19 pandemic. 

Yoga has helped me relax and get rid of any negativity I may have at the end of the day. It has also helped me increase my flexibility and my muscle strength too. 

When it comes to picking a time to do Yoga, I prefer to do Yoga in the evening time just before bed as it helps me relax and sets me up for a good nights sleep. 

Below I have listed some of the Benefits in which Yoga has helped me and will hopefully help you too:

Increase Flexibility

Increase Muscle Strength and Tone

Improve Energy, Vitality and Respiration

Maintain a balanced Metabolism

Weight Loss

Cardio and Circulatory Health

Reduces Stress

One thing about Yoga is that there so many different types of Yoga and poses to do throughout an average Yoga session. As I'm a beginner to Yoga I tend to sick to poses that is good for flexibility such as Upward Facing Dog, Head to Knee Forward Bend, Downward Facing Dog, Warrior and Upward Plank Pose. 

One site that did helped me with learning new Yoga poses was Yoga with Adriene, you can check out her YouTube Channel here (Yoga with Adriene). This helped me to really give Yoga a go and help me relax and de-stress using a range of poses. 

I hope you all enjoyed my post on the Benefits of Yoga, throughout the next couple of months i will be sharing more yoga posts here on the blog. Check out my Facebook and Instagram page for more information on my journey with yoga and everything else Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle related.

Chat to you all in my next post.




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